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Getting into Someone's Head

The Emris is written in third person multiple (also called third person limited omniscient). My story benefits when the reader shares in the experiences, emotions, and perspectives of several characters. It also allows for intimate experience in each thread of action, which supports the nature of this particular epic tale.

My own gripe with Game of Thrones (also written in third person multiple) is too many points-of-view. The vast number of POVs make it difficult for me to follow or become emotionally invested in the characters. This is a personal complaint, however. The series is successful; likely, G.R.R. Martin has more skill as a writer than I do. Thus, I hope to avoid the problem of too-many-POVs in The Emris.

My main character, Fay, receives the greatest share of time. We are most intimate with her. The amount of time spent in other characters' heads is proportionate to their importance in the story. Occasionally, we are with another character once or twice, only because we need to be where they are, to see what they see, when none of our main characters are around. These incidentals are used very sparingly. Finally, I make sure that every POV contributes directly to the story.

I will revisit this subject as I learn more about writing in this difficult but rewarding version of third person.

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